In addition it can set Bleeding, which works well with Torturer. Not the greatest staff in the world, but it’s fire, has two-handed and intelligence. Priority bonuses are Critical Chance and Intelligence, but Two-Handed or a rune slot are also good. A fire staff is recommended, as Pyrokinetic will increase the damage you deal with it, but you can use other types if you cannot find one. Weapon-wise you’ll be using a Staff of some sort. If you cannot get Summoning, Pyrokinetic or Intelligence are recommended. You want to look for Armour with bonuses to Summoning on it first and foremost, in order to reach 10 Summoning as quickly as possible. Unlike the Battlemage, you don’t need to worry about Fire Resistance with this Build because you only use one skill that can set things on fire.

The Summoner of Sparks, if points were placed into Strength, can use a mix of Armour types and should focus on balancing their Armour as best as possible. Also consider adding a couple points to Strength in order to be able to use Strength-based Armour. Some points will also need to go into Memory as this Build uses a LOT of Skills early on. Summoner of Sparks Attributes and EquipmentĪs far as Attributes go, you will be putting most of your points into Intelligence in order to increase you damage, but some points into Wits for the Initiative and Critical Chance doesn’t hurt.

Start as a Conjurer and change it to look like this. Then remove Dimensional Bolt and Elemental Totem and select Ignition and Searing Daggers. The best way to start this Build is by picking the Conjurer Class, removing the points from Constitution and placing them into Intelligence and Wits. Then remove the point from Leadership and place it into Pyrokinetic. In addition, you can buff the Incarnate with Supercharger for 100% increased damage, which is something you cannot do to yourself. By buffing an Incarnate and our own character we get 2x the fun. The skill Master of Sparks has long been used by many players to buff their own personal damage with each swing, however, with the Summoner of Sparks we take this a step further. The Summoner of Sparks uses a mix of Summoning, Warfare and Pyrokinetic Skills in order to deal both Fire and Physical Damage. Summoner of Sparks – Summoner/Warrior Build At this stage of the game you won’t have had points to increase Pyrokinetic very high. In this guide I will be introducing the second Summoning Build this week: Summoner of Sparks, and explaining just how it works.
#Divinity original sin 2 summoner build 2017 update
Players have been asking me to not only update these Builds, but also create new ones. While most Builds remain untouched, there are some tweaks to a few of them.

Party Combinations Guide: Magic, Physical and Mixed.

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